Monday, June 27, 2011

1 Layer Drawing Progress

I started this a while back before I left on vacation. I wanted to challenge myself by doing 1-layer artwork. I was quite surprised by how much easier it is then switching layers, wait I lied, okay it's easier to some extent. I'm not used to not using "multiply" or "screen" layer effects to create darker shadows or highlights, I've actually had to manually choose the lighter and darker colors and play around with it. It's a good practice though, gives you more practice on selecting color palettes and figuring out what works and what doesn't.

I started off by doing a simple sketch. My original plan was to just draw Ran but I had changed my mind and decided I'd add in Chen too. I started off by working on Ran's skin, which kind of was mistake I realize later on. I learned that when working with one layer it's best to work from the background to the foreground, in this case, I should've done a background first, do the tail, skin, then her hair and clothing. By doing it the way I did I had to be extra careful not to ruin areas done already, such as doing the tails and not ruining the dress, skin, or hair.

I still haven't finished, I've actually been on vacation since the 17th. I have my laptop and tablet but my laptop's extremely slow now and the USB driver's aren't really working so I haven't been able to work with it. I'm going home on the 30th, I think and it's about a day drive from here back to my home.